Yesterday the Federal Government of Canada and Provincial Health Authority made recommendations to reduce the spread of COVID-19 and EKB is responding. Effective immediately, all lawyers, paralegals and staff will work remotely until further notice. We will conduct all client meetings by telephone or teleconference to enhance the social distancing recommended by our health authorities. We are well equipped for our written communications to be done electronically. We will assist you to arrange for any office deliveries that need to be made. To assist you, payment of invoices can be made using the “Bill Pay” feature located at the top right-hand corner of the EKB website home page.
All of us at EKB will work with you to continue to provide you with the excellent legal services that you have come to expect despite the unique challenges that face all of us.
We are monitoring this situation daily and changes and updates will be provided as they evolve. As always, should you need to contact your lawyer, please telephone or email us.
Rodney Urquhart
Managing Partner